Monday, January 24, 2011

Black Swan (5/5)

Warning: This movie is not for everyone its rated R for a couple very good reasons.

Black Swan is the latest mind-blowing film by Hollywood’s new favorite director, Darren Aronofsky. It tells the story of Nina (Natalie Portman), a dedicated ballerina in the New York City ballet company, as she struggles to portray role of the swan queen in the company’s production of Swan Lake. In order to properly play the swan queen Nina, who is extremely reserved and controlled, must be able to embody not only the sweet and innocent white swan, but also her evil counterpart the black swan (traditionally in Swan Lake the same ballerina plays both roles). In the process of accomplishing this task Nina is driven completely and totally, (forgive the language) bat-shit crazy.
By telling the entire story from Nina’s perspective, that of a constantly hallucinating insane person, Aronofsky transforms what would ordinarily be a somber film about mental disease into a genuine psychological horror flick. The true beauty of Aronofsky’s style is that he doesn’t rely on traditional horror movie tactics to scare his audience; he employs lighting, sound, and very talented actors to keep the audience so tense that even Winnie the Pooh would make them jump.
In addition to brilliant direction, this film has a beautiful storyline; Black Swan is not simply about a ballerina in Swan Lake, it’s a half metaphorical and half literal retelling of the ballet itself. Nina starts off as the embodiment of the white swan and views a fellow ballerina, Lily (Mila Kunis), as the embodiment of the black swan, and slowly unleashes her considerable dark side and becomes the black swan herself.
I honestly cannot find a substantial flaw with this movie save that it feels a tiny bit long. Black Swan is a brilliant and terrifying look at what our own minds can do to us, its imagery is verging on perfect, and, overall, it is both truly beautiful and incredibly disturbing.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more! I loved how as the main character (Natalie Portman) was losing her mind it made me feel like I was losing it with her. Such an amazing film. Although, FYI for anyone who is reading this, do not make the same mistake I did by seeing the film with your mom, dad, and little sister!!! Super good, super dark film, and personally my favorite movie of the year. The movie being a film about a ballerina that is saying something. Go see this movie!!!

    P.S. I love the vibe your blog puts off and you seem to have a nack for critical journalism. ;)
